3 Listings
Beds: 4 Baths: 4 Car: 2
Beds: 4 Baths: 4 Car: 2 Land Size: 1105 m2
Beds: 8 Baths: 4 Car: 4
Beds: 8 Baths: 4 Car: 4
Beds: 3 Baths: 1 Car: 6
Beds: 3 Baths: 1 Car: 6 Land Size: 2023 m2

Whether it’s your first home or a new home, a lifelong place to settle or a temporary abode, everybody wants to live somewhere nice. When it comes to looking for houses in Mackay, it can be hard to work out where to start or what to look for, but there are a few things you should check to make sure you are getting the best place you possibly can.

What To Look For When Finding A Residential Property

Every prospective buyer is different, and you need a home that suits your individual needs, but there are a few things everyone should look for when finding a residential property in Mackay.

Appropriate Neighbourhood

Everyone’s idea of the perfect place to live is a little different, so when looking for a residential property, you need to ensure that you narrow your search to places you know you would be happy living in. It could help to take some day trips to the neighbourhoods you’re considering and go about your normal day. Try out the local transport links and check out the local parks, shops and any other amenities that are important to you.

Enough Space

Moving can be a big hassle, and it’s something most people want to avoid doing too many times. For this reason, it’s important to look for a home with plenty of space. Make sure you know how many bedrooms you need or will need in the near future so that you don’t find yourself having to uproot yourself all over again in just a couple of years’ time.

Garden Area

One of the biggest must-haves on any homeowner’s list when looking for a property is a garden. Mackay has a subtropical climate with many humid days, so there will be plenty of opportunities to get outside and enjoy the sun. However, you need to think carefully about the size of the garden you want – a large garden will require a lot of maintenance, while a small garden might not provide you with the space you were hoping for, especially if you have a growing family. You need to weigh up what is most important to you before you start looking at properties.

No Pests

It can be beneficial to get a full building and pest inspection completed before you agree to purchase a property. Australia is home to a wealth of creatures and some of these can be incessantly difficult to deal with if they encroach on your home. Nobody wants to deal with this as soon as they move into a new house, so do your research into your ideal neighbourhood and find out if there are any common pests you need to be aware of. During viewings, look out for warning signs of pest infestations too, like chewed items, pest droppings, foul odours and small openings that look out of place.

Mains Connections

Before you finalise plans to buy a residential property, make sure to check that the home is set up with connections to internet, gas, electricity, sewerage and water. If it isn’t, you need to be aware in advance so that you can be prepared upon moving in.